Laid back and looking for friends.
Rochester, New York | Hölgy keres Férfit
Általános adatok
Idegen nyelvek:
Angol, Francia
Who am I? An intelligent, laid-back, curious person. Genealogically, I'm Irish, Scottish (Clan Baird), English and German, for the most part.
What do I do for fun? - Visit the local Goth club, work in the greenhouse, go to parks and the Ren. Faire during the summer, take the occasional road trip, play games and hang out with friends, watch tv shows like Jeopardy, Monty Python, the Muppet Show, MacGyver, NCIS and Crossing Jordan.
What drives me crazy? - People who shouldn't breed or drive, but do so anyway, people who blame anyone other than themselves for their actions, our anti-environment schmuck of a President, and my car, on which so many things go wrong. I am not a mechanical person. I am a plant, animal and book person. I'm kind of a loner, but I get along with people just fine. I like doing my own thing. I'd like to find someone who'll give me space, but isn't opposed to cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. When I find someone like that, cool. Until then, I'm fine with going to the club maybe once a week, hanging out with friends and generally having a good time.
What do I do for fun? - Visit the local Goth club, work in the greenhouse, go to parks and the Ren. Faire during the summer, take the occasional road trip, play games and hang out with friends, watch tv shows like Jeopardy, Monty Python, the Muppet Show, MacGyver, NCIS and Crossing Jordan.
What drives me crazy? - People who shouldn't breed or drive, but do so anyway, people who blame anyone other than themselves for their actions, our anti-environment schmuck of a President, and my car, on which so many things go wrong. I am not a mechanical person. I am a plant, animal and book person. I'm kind of a loner, but I get along with people just fine. I like doing my own thing. I'd like to find someone who'll give me space, but isn't opposed to cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. When I find someone like that, cool. Until then, I'm fine with going to the club maybe once a week, hanging out with friends and generally having a good time.
Megjelenés és helyzete
Egy kis felesleg
1.78 m
Szemeim színe
Családi állapotom
Vannak gyerekeim
Szeretnék gyerekeket
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:
Hajam színe:
Cica, Halacskák, Hüllő
Némi főiskola
Building and Grounds Maintenance Dept.
Ez évi bevételem
Kevesebb mint 3,656,235 HUF
A szobatársa(i)mmal, A háziállataimmal
Alkalmanként átjönnek a barátaim
Kedvelem az alkoholt
Igen - társaságban
A középiskolában
Szociális magatartásom:
Tartózkodó, Figyelmes, Barátságos, Komikus, Kacér
Olvasás, Tanulás, Zene, Filmek, Játékok, Szórakozás, Clubbing, Színház, Főzés, Kertészkedés, Kempingezés
Tökéletes szórakozás?
Barátkozás, Bulizás, Otthon tartózkodás, Új dolgok kipróbálása, Filmezés, Lazítás, Alvás, Clubbing / Bárok, Könyv olvasása, Koncert, Múzeum
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:
An ideal first date would probably involve something simple, like catching a movie, then going somewhere we can grab some food and get to know each other. I know, I know... It's more of a hanging out than a formal date, but it'd be fun. I'd rather be comfortable than be wined and dined. Save that stuff for later.
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)
I've always wanted to try lots of things. That's the trouble; I want to do everything at once and can't narrow it down. There are so many possibilities, how do you pick one thing at a time?
Így látnak barátaim:
Barátságos, Királyinak, Ostobának, Flörtölőnek
Vallási nézeteim:
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:
My goal? Didn't I just explain that I'm having trouble narrowing things down? Geez, you're pushy. Overall, I want to spend my life doing things that improve the quality of life for all life, not just people. People are the problem on this planet. There has to be a way to protect the animals and plants that we keep ignoring and/or destroying, among other things.
Okos, Szarkasztikus, Barátságos, Titokzatosnak, Mocskosnak
Mit nézek?
Hírek, Dokumentumfilm, Dráma, Oktató műsorok, Filmek
Mit nézek a moziban?
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Komédia, Romantikus filmek, Dráma, Dokumentum film, Család centrikus tartalom, Animáció, Horror, Krimi
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a
Ország, Rock, Metal, Elektronikus, Klasszikus, Folk, Punk
Mit olvasok?
Ókori, Biográfia, Klasszikus, Fikció, Fikció, Történelem, Otthon és kert, Horror, Humor, Rejtélyek, Természet, Referenciák, Költészet, Vallásos irodalom, Szatírák, Tudományos irodalom, Tudományos fantasztikum
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:
Fun? Well, that'd be gardening, watching movies, hanging out with people I've known for a while or just met, cooking, reading books, futzing around on the computer, singing, driving my car - even though it's having issues yet again, going for walks in Mendon Ponds Park, exploring places I haven't been to before, taking road trips, going to Vertex and having drinks and dancing with friends, staying up late just talking with people, sleeping late, going to parties, *shrug*; I consider lots of things fun. Just about anything is fun if you're with the right people.
Mit tart vonzónak?
Tudás, Jó kinézet, Humor, Ügyesség, Empátia, Érzékenység, Merészség, Különlegességek, Spontaneitás, Flörtölős, Szellemesség, Komolyság
Mi az ami után kutat?
Looking for friends, basically. I like being single. It's been over a year, and sometimes it's a pain in the butt, but I just go with it. Someone will eventually come along. Nothing so constant as change, right?
Mi után kutat?
Internet társ, Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat