Sarmantan nasmejan duhovit za ostalo pitati
Ženu, razgovor, druženje, intimu, prijatnu
Sebe mogu opisati ko dobru osobu i iskrenu
Iskren dobar trazim vezu dpisivanje zivim sam
Smeđ i proćelav, pozitivan i raspoložen, ali usamljen
Hey there! I'm a guy who appreciates life's complexities. By day, I run my own translation business, a second act after stints in law and emergency medical dispatching. I’ve lived and worked across the UK and Serbia, blending a global outlook with...
Drustven vredan... Komunikativan sportista...
Ko trazi taj ce naci mozda. Ako ima zaiterosavani oni ce me naci!
Volim sve što vole mladi tako se i osećam